
  • Drostanolone Propionate USP, IM Injection

Mastorex-100 stimulates muscle growth. Inhibits production of female hormones, no flavoring. Reduces fat tissue. Inability to be converted to estradiol.

  • Package presentation : 10ml Vial (250 mg/ml)
  • Dosage (Men) : 350-500 mg per week
  • Dosage (Women) : 50 mg per week
  • Active Life : 3 Days
  • Storage :
    To be store in a cool & dry place below 25°C.
    Do not freeze or refrigerate.
    Protected from light.
    Keep out of reach of children.

Transparent oily solution of light yellow or yellow color, containing a characteristic odor.

Mastorex-100 Composition

1 ml of solution contains: Active substance: Drostanolone Propionate 100 mg in oil base.

Health Benefits

Mastorex-100 stimulates muscle growth. Inhibits production of female hormones, no flavoring. Reduces fat tissue. Inability to be converted to estradiol. Absence of excessive water retention in the tissues of the body. Improves Athletic performance. Improves venous draw and relief. Reduces the level of globulin.

Therapeutic Indication

Is used for hormonal treatment of tumors (breast or prostate cancer) for its antiestrogenic properties. It has lower androgenic rate compared to testosterone, thus the risk of virilization is much lighter. It is/has been used for physique and performace enhancing purposes by competitive athletes.

Mastorex-100 Side Effects

Oily skin, aggressive behaviors, acne on different body spots, hair loss, peripheral edema, impaired liver function, changes in blood count and pain in bones, bloating, increase in breast tissue, and sexual dysfunctions. Due to the androgenic nature, this drug is not recommended for women to use.

Mastorex-100 Stack/Cycle

It is usually combined with Nandrolone Decanoate or Boldenone Undecylenate in order to gain high quality dense muscle without excess water. For muscle growth with low risk of side effect, combine with Testosterone Propionate.

ContraIndications/Precautionary Measures

Not recommended in case of hypersensitivity to the drug, prostate or breast carcinoma, prostate hyperplasia symptoms, nephrosis, edema, hypercalcemia, liver function disorders, diabetes, heart failure or coronary myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis in elderly men, pregnancy and lactation. Adolescents should use it caution to avoid premature cessation of growth and puberty.


In case of acute overdose toxicity is low. In case of chronic overdose is possible to develop priapism.